Blog Set Up
Along the top of the blog is a list of generalized pages:
- Blog Posts – these are the weekly posts I will be posting, content will vary according to my mood and what I’m researching at the moment.
- About Me – just a bit about who I am.
- Just the FAQ’s – you are HERE!
- Find-A-Grave – a link to the site, as well as a bit of explanation as to what it is.
- Family Photographs – a place where I will host family photo’s
- Research Links – links used to research genealogy, including online books, websites, etc…
- Genealogy Toolbox – links to download charts & forms, websites to host your family tree, software, etc…
- Source List - will contain downloadable records and sources
The Left Side Bar:
- This is pretty much where the information regarding my personal family will be hosted. I’ve listed the surnames for each family tree, so if you’re looking for a Fritchen family member’s information, check out the page titled “Fritchen”, and so on. Also, the Obituaries are family members only. Eventually I plan on having a link to my entire family tree, which contains well over 1500 people, in an easily viewable format, but it’s still in the ‘figuring-out-how-to-do-this” stage.
The Right Side Bar: This contains my Google profile and…
- Follow By Email – I’m using a subscription feed titled “Feedburner”. If you would like to receive an email alerting you to new Blog Posts then this is something you will want to sign up for. Type your email in the box, click Submit. A box will pop-up asking you to verify your email, type in the text, then click on “Complete Subscription Request”. IMPORTANT – check your inbox for an email and click on the link it contains. If it doesn’t show up in your inbox, check your ‘spam’, ‘junk’ or ‘trash’ folders. Until you verify your email the weekly updates won’t show up.
- Follow this Blog – clicking on the ‘Join this site’ button means that you are willing to publicly follow the blog – ha ha. I am using the ‘google connect’ feature, but if you don’t have a Google profile it’s easy to sign up. Just follow the instructions in the box that pops up.
- Contact Me! - If you have any questions, concerns, updates, family information, photo’s to share, additions or corrections to any part of this Blog, please use this form! Other than the weekly Blog Posts, there is no other place to comment, so please don’t hesitate to use the widget to talk to me.
Housekeeping Guidelines
- Credit the Blog for any information you find here and use somewhere else. Use this:
- Feel free to contact me! I love to talk, so am already looking forward to hearing from you.
- Share this Blog with other family members, or those who are researching their families.
- I want this to be a tool in your Genealogy Toolbox, so please use the information here to build your own tree.
- Feel free to download any documents I upload. This includes Census records, family pages, etc…
- Please do not use any profanity in any replies you leave on the Blog.
- Please don’t use any family photo’s I’ve posted without my permission on another website or blog. Also, if I’ve given you permission, you must leave the citation on the photo. (this allows others to find the original posting)
- Don't forget to remember how much I value your input! Again, use the 'Contact Me!' widget on the right side of the Blog.